How to Use Whatsapp to sell your products


How to Use Whatsapp to sell your products

Sell your items you don’t need any more on whatsapp

Did you know you can sell your unused items on Whatsapp? This is a brilliant idea that was thought up by an Indian entrepreneur and consultant named Durjay Thapa. He came up with the idea after he went to the market one day and met traders who told him about how people don’t buy their used clothes because they don’t want to take them home. Thapa then

Sell a product you are selling on whatsapp

The App Store is loaded with a slew of messaging apps, so it can be difficult to pick the best one to use. But for some people, Whatsapp has become the way they communicate with their friends. And if you want to sell something on Whatsapp, this blog post has you covered.

Whatsapp chat bots – should we be using them for sales?

Chatbots have been a phenomenon on iphones for years and the reality is that they are not going anywhere. WhatsApp, which has over one billion users worldwide, now offers to add chat bots to the back-and-forth with friends. The development of chatbots for business use, however, is still in its infancy and many marketers are unsure about when, or how, to start

Whatsapp as a sales tool

The following article is an example of the use of WhatsApp as a sales tool: “22,000 people installed our messaging app, so we’re going to turn off our email notifications and only use WhatsApp for updates”, announced the creators of a popular messenger app. The company is enthusiastic about its WhatsApp strategy. Many people have become increasingly reliant on social media platforms to communicate with

Whatsapp to sell your products

The mobile messaging app WhatsApp will soon start to introduce advertising in its service. The company is also creating a simple new way for businesses to sell products and services to customers on the app. Businesses will tap into WhatsApp’s customer base of over 1 billion people by linking their accounts with WhatsApp, so that customers can easily buy things from their favorite brands from within the chat app.